Alaa Hamadeh


My name is Alaa Hamadeh , my portfolio is a representation of all that i have learned and accomplished through 14 years as an IT expert .

networks $ Systems Engineer.

  • Birthday: 18 February 1982
  • City: Damascus, Syria
  • Degree: Master
  • Email:
  • Freelance: Available

I graduated from Damascus IT Engineering University in 2006 with a Bachelor' degree in systems and networks ,after my graduation I studied for Cisco CCNA exams and got the certificate in 2007 then I studied for Cisco CCNP exams and got the certificate in 2010. In 2011 I started my career as network supervisor in medium size enterprise, then in 2014 I became the IT manger for the enterprise,in 2016 I left my job to became a freelancer, and in 2019 I got my master degree in enterprise systems engineering.


I love designing and configuring networks , network security have always been a critical aspect so i developed a excellent skills to implement the ultimate solutions like Snort IDS system , i like to build simple portfolio and simple HTML $ PHP websites .


Happy Clients and employers


Projects In different IT aspects


Hours Of Support Remotely $ At Premises


switches 100%
routers 90%
Firewall/IDS 90%
SQL Databases 70%
Data Analyses/Big Data70%
HTML 80%
CSS 80%
JavaScript 80%
PHP 60%
WordPress/CMS 80%

for switches,routers and firewalls I can work with different kind of series , products and vendors . For IDS I mastered SNORT IDS since it was used by different vendors. big data and data analyses took a huge part of my master studies mainly about how to collect organize and process the big data and one of the systems we used to work with was HADOOP File System .



Alaa Hamadeh

Innovative and deadline-driven IT expert with 10+ years of experience designing and developing networks and systems solutions from small office to medium/large enterprise .



Master of Enterprise Systems Engineering

2018 - 2020

IT engineering ,Damascus University

Bachelor of Information Technology engineering

specialized in systems and networking

2001 - 2006

IT engineering ,Damascus University

Professional Experience

IT Manager

2014 - 2016

Syrian commission on financial markets & securities ,Damascus, Syria

  • Managing a team of 5 administrative & technical staff.
  • Strengthening the IT infrastructure through implementing new technologies.
  • Manage the IT budgets and expenditure on hardware and software.
  • Recommending and interviewing new network and software engineers.
  • Recommending and implementing improvements and efficiencies.
  • Reporting to the organization chief.
  • Manage and improve the organization data center.
  • Recommending and implementing the organization website hosting strategy and security.
  • participate in the studies and the implementation of the new building of the securities market in city YAFOUR:
    • Follow-up the implementing of the networks.
    • Implementing the PBX phone and connection with the market and brokerage firms.
    • Technical specifications for data center and follow-up the Implementation.

Network & system engineer

June 2011 – January 2014

Syrian commission on financial markets & securities

  • Maintain and monitor the organization data center passive and active components.
  • Analyzed LAN to determine what were the major problems and improvements needed for the network infrastructure.
  • Maintain and manage ASTARO firewall ( filtering rules and load balancing )
  • Manage cisco switches (configure interfaces, create and manage VLANs, manage port security, maintain spanning tree, create monitor sessions ........)
  • Maintain and manage the organization domain controller and it is replica.
  • Maintain and manage the organization DNS server..
  • Maintain and manage the organization messaging system consists of windows exchange server 2010 and Microsoft Outlook client on PCs.
  • Maintain and manage Windows File Server
  • Maintain and manage printers sharing between users.
  • maintain the information security from inside and outside dangerous through firewall rules, antivirus applications and applying new security policies
  • Install and configure Snort IDS system along with Snorby web server, and manage exciting snort rules or create new rules in order to monitor network traffic.
  • Maintain and manage the organization web site including its CMS and Plesk panel major features , communication with the company that host the website and working on implementing new technique to rise the security level like Linux mod security – using web security scan systems – WAF firewall – keep all packages up to date ………



Windows Desktop and server systems, MS office


centos –Ubuntu

Web Developement

PHP – HTML – CSS- JavaScript – Sql

Network mangement

Wireshark – snort - Cacti - Antivirus products

Cisco Devices

Cisco routers – Cisco switches – Cisco firewalls – Cisco VPN concentrators.

Data Analyses

Windows Power BI , Hadoop File System


For more information please contact me through the following :


West Mazeh,Khansah Street, Damascus, Syria